
SAP App Development: Create Modern Apps With Low-Code.

Read our latest study about the status quo and the challenges, trends and requirements of SAP app development in companies. Find out more about the top challenge and expectations for the S/4HANA migration.

Exclusive Study on Developing Modern Sap Apps With Low-Code

Today’s business environment for companies is characterized by rapid changes, new competitive structures, uncertainties and rapidly changing customer requirements.

SAP users face the particular challenge of driving the transformation to S/4HANA with limited in-house resources and expertise, while at the same time already developing innovative apps to quickly implement business requirements and digital business processes. To meet these challenges, low-code platforms are the key technology. These enable professional developers as well as business users without specific programming knowledge to create and adapt individual applications of varying complexity in order to be able to flexibly and quickly implement the dynamic requirements from the business for software development.

The research and analyst firm techconsult and Neptune Software surveyed business and IT decision-makers from various industries about the status quo and the challenges, trends and requirements of SAP app development in companies.

The study contains:

  • An overview of the study’s key findings for enterprise IT decision-makers
  • What is the status of the S/4HANA transformation in companies?
  • Top challenge and expectations for the S4/HANA transformation
  • Key insights for the role of low-code platforms in SAP software development processes over the next 5 years
  • Read the exclusive study from techconsult for free!
  • How low-code platforms help with the development of SAP apps

About techconsult GmbH

As a research and analyst firm, techconsult has been the partner for providers and consumers of digital technologies and services for 30 years. Up to 25,000 interviews per year with IT decision-makers/users, business decision-makers, end consumers and providers form the basis of the company’s analyst work. As a result, techconsult has a unique and constantly updated stock of information in the world on the positioning of industry/user segments in the environment of their IT as well as their business models and processes. The development and provision of well-founded studies and benchmark systems, in the environment of current business and IT trends, support business and IT decision-makers in problem area analysis and location determination. The company is an important consulting partner for CXOs and the IT industry.

About Neptune

Neptune Software is a rapid application development platform vendor with more than 730 enterprise customers and over 4 million licensed end users globally that empowers IT departments to deliver tangible business outcomes.

Neptune Software offers with its Neptune DXP, a leading low-code, SAP-centric, enterprise app development platform to digitize
and optimize business processes and user interfaces – at scale and with ease. Neptune DXP provides a fast and cost-effective way to industrialize the development of custom applications – saving companies time and money on development, integration, and operations.

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